Super Viga 100000 is a blessing in disguise for men suffering from premature ejaculation issue. They can surely delay their ejaculation time and enjoy a fulfilling sex.
- Guaranteed enhancement in the ability to hold an erection for a longer duration and thus guaranteed enjoyment for your partner with you in bed.
- You can give her a mind blowing orgasm and thus a greater sense of satisfaction
- Time tested product and proven results.
- The Super Viga 100000 indeed helps in avoiding break-ups and divorces due to dissatisfaction in sexual life.
What are the side effects of Super Viga 100000 Delay Spray?
- Super Viga 100000 is generally safe and without any contra-indications under normal circumstances
- Spray only recommended quantity (3-4 sprays) required to cover the top of your penis. Over spraying may cause numbness of your penis requiring medical treatment.
- Do not use this spray if you are suffering from myasthenic gravis, epilepsy, impaired cardiac condition or liver damage.
- If you are on regular medication, consult your physician before using this spray.